menu scancode-results-analyzer documentation

Getting Started

Quickstart - Scancode Plugin

scancode-results-analyzer can be installed as a scancode post-scan plugin.

  1. Clone the Repository and navigate to the scancode-results-analyzer directory.

  2. Configure (Installs the requirements, and scancode-toolkit with the plugin):

  3. Activate the Virtual Environment Created

    source tmp/bin/activate

  4. Run scancode for the first time for setup:

    scancode -h
  5. Run a scan using the --analyze-license-results command line options:

    scancode -l --json-pp output.json /path/to/scan_files/ --license-text --is-license-text --classify --analyze-license-results
  6. OR, import a JSON scan result and run the plugin on that scan:

    scancode --json-pp results.json --from-json tests/data/results-test/selective-before-rules-added/only_errors.json --analyze-license-results


scancode-results-analyzer has required CLI options, as these produce attributes essential to the analysis process. These are: –license –info –license-text –is-license-text –classify Even when loading from json, the scan generating these json files should have been run with this options for the analysis plugin to work.